C-Money's Introduction Post

I am C-Money. I have a significant interest in our great United States of America in that I am a proud American Citizen and Patriot. I have chosen to commence with an organized political discussion aimed at dispelling the myths that the so called mainstream media and government are hell bent on shoveling into the eager mouths (so to speak) of some of our ignorant Americans friends and neighbors.

In this blog there are no things that are black and white. If you are a black and white thinker (and I’m not talking about race, though perhaps we’ll broach that subject later) you probably won’t appreciate these ideas. I am of the belief that black and white thinking is what divides us as a country. As there are no historical or contemporary issues that are that simple, we will not present issues this way. There are always exceptions or positive/negative consequences to every possible course of action. Reading these ideas and commenting on them requires an open mind. Perhaps a mind open to change in stance or thought. If you’re one of the ignorant people that readily quotes media sound bites, you’re not welcome here unless you’re ready to have your mind opened. Also, please do not make a fool of yourself by labeling people as “racist, homophobe, islamophobe, democrat, liberal, conservative, alt-right, ect.” Although these are mainstream ideas of where people fit neatly, we are not so neatly classifiable. For example, I am staunchly pro-life, whereas another member is staunchly pro-choice. We will argue our points with facts, and not feelings. Feelings are intangible and cannot be used in any logical argument, and do nothing to prove your point. We will just sit back and giggle at your stupid feelings. Grow up (we’re considered millennials too, and don’t give a fuck about your feelings).

Without further ado…

My first point of order is to address the problem that put us into our current predicament; labeling. Our President, whether or not you agree with him, was elected into office as a direct result of labeling.

We as a society have fallen into a trap where everyone feels the need to have or apply a label. This makes sense in scientific pursuits. A tree is a tree, a moth is a moth, a duck billed platypus is a…. What the fuck is a duck billed platypus anyways? A label can be as simple as “black” or “Hispanic” or as complicated as “LGBTQRUSOIJE)(*EHG)EW)E.” Or, it can refer to the things you believe such as “liberal,” and “conservative.” These classifications are all fine and good. They make people feel like they belong to something, and that something is important and special in its own way. These labels can also be used to single out, exclude, or cross label individuals. This is where the problem arises. Are we not all Americans who want to live peacefully and have “enough” for ourselves and family? (Note, I put “enough” in quotation marks because this is a very subjective idea. What is considered “enough” for me may be “excess” to you, and vice versa).
Labeling becomes a huge problem when an individual is labelled as something they “feel” they are not. For example if one were to incorrectly label a “gay” person as a “transgendered” person, that incorrectly labelled person would be offended, no? The same offense is taken when a “white” person is incorrectly labelled as a “racist” or a “man” is incorrectly labelled as a “misogynist.” These people take offense, and will probably react accordingly.

What happened during the last 4 years of Barrack Obama’s presidency is that the predominantly white working class in this country felt incorrectly labelled. Many of these voters, I might add, had long standing party loyalty to the democrats through labor unions. However, the power of labeling had disenfranchised the majority of Americans, and those Americans crossed over party lines to vote for President Trump in record numbers. Hold your horses! Before you say “But… but.. buttttttt… Hillary Clinton won the popular vote! Most Americans are still Democrats!” You’re right, she did win the popular vote among the advocates for labeling in the hugely populated major cities of America. However, what is good for Los Angeles is not necessarily good for Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, ect. Do you really think that the steel workers in Pittsburgh share anything in common with the Social Workers in California? Absolutely not. However, this is an argument for another time as to why the Electoral College is still valid.

What truly blows my mind is that after the election, the labeling became worse! Now every person who voted republican at any point in their life is somehow labelled a racist, bigot, ect. There are rallies of idiots in the streets punching people for voting a certain way! There are children crying on college campuses because their feelings are hurt! When asked why they hurt, they say because of (insert label here). What’s worse is that the mainstream media is supporting them and carrying on in the same way. They can’t seem to fathom that their behavior is propelling more support in favor of the very thing they detest the most, a Donald Trump re-election. There is a quote by Saul Alinsky (a famous left wing agitator) that says “As soon as you’ve resorted to calling your opposition a “pig mother fucker” you’ve lost because the other side is closed to further communication.” And I think he is absolutely correct. Mark my words, if this sort of childish behavior continues, the left will see many more years of predominantly conservative election wins; simply because mainstream leftists will have lost their credibility.

What I propose is this; discuss your beliefs with your friends and neighbors. Tell them, with factual evidence, why you believe what you do, and why they should too. Organize yourselves with intellect and peace. Further your ideas with logical discourse. For God’s sake, stop labeling each other. All it serves to do is divide and shut down open communication and debate; the true path to honest change and progress.

-C Money
