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C-Money's Introduction Post

I am C-Money. I have a significant interest in our great United States of America in that I am a proud American Citizen and Patriot. I have chosen to commence with an organized political discussion aimed at dispelling the myths that the so called mainstream media and government are hell bent on shoveling into the eager mouths (so to speak) of some of our ignorant Americans friends and neighbors. In this blog there are no things that are black and white. If you are a black and white thinker (and I’m not talking about race, though perhaps we’ll broach that subject later) you probably won’t appreciate these ideas. I am of the belief that black and white thinking is what divides us as a country. As there are no historical or contemporary issues that are that simple, we will not present issues this way. There are always exceptions or positive/negative consequences to every possible course of action. Reading these ideas and commenting on them requires an open mind. Perhaps a mind open t

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